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Leo Medrano for Cypress City Council, District 4 - Go to homepage

Leo Medrano is a 2nd generation Navy Veteran, Engineer, Finance Executive, former Cypress Commissioner, local volunteer, and engaged father running for Cypress City Council in the newly created District 4.

Leo grew up in Southern California where he was a student-athlete in high school, participating in wrestling, track, and cross-country and serving as Senior Class President. He attended Stanford University, earning 3 degrees, including dual-degrees in Economics and Engineering, as well as a Masters in Engineering and earned his commission as an officer from the Naval ROTC unit at UC Berkeley.

Leo's father during his time in the Navy.

In the Navy, Leo served in the Engineering department as the Repair Division Officer and Operations department as the Operations Intelligence Officer on a Guided Missile Cruiser based out of San Diego. He participated in Operation Southern Watch and Operation Infinite Reach. After his honorable discharge from the Navy, Leo went on to work in the private sector as an engineer building commercial satellites. He then attended UCLA, where he earned his MBA, charting a successful career advising startups and small businesses in accounting and finance. An expert on budgeting and economics, Leo has spent years giving businesses the tools they need to succeed and thrive.

Left: Leo with his parents at his college graduation. Right: Leo swearing in his sister as an officer.

A former Cypress Recreation and Community Services Commissioner, the call to service that began with his US Navy experience has drawn him to serving his community, especially post-COVID when the need for service and volunteering has never been higher. Leo works with a number of nonprofits and is a member/supporter of Stanford Alumni Association of Orange County, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), New Politics Leadership Academy, which gives veterans skills to help serve their communities, Cypress Chamber of Commerce, Friends of the Cypress Library, Cypress Police Officer Association, the UCLA Alumni Mentor Program, AARP, and a Cypress Citizen’s Academy alum.

Leo has two sons. His youngest attended Landell Elementary, Lexington Junior High, and is currently at Cypress High School. His oldest graduated from CHS last year and is a few short miles away at college. We have participated in Friday Nights Lights at Lexington Park and summer camp at Arnold Park.
